Sunday, February 15, 2009


Well we have one more week until Nate leaves. I always hate the countdown. I found out that I should expect 6 months but it could be only 4ish. That would be awesome.
Things are going good here. We have officially moved back to our house in Sedalia. We passed our housing inpection on the 8th so we are done with that.
School is going pretty good. I hate economics!
Jonas is getting big. He got his first hair cut last weekend so no more curls. :( He looks so grown up now. He is going to be a big boy like his daddy. He is pretty tall already I think.
Work is going good for me. I am still loving it.
Well I think that covers everything. Take care!

1 comment:

Miken Harding said...

Where are the pictures!!! I need proof he's tall like Boston-she's a weed! You will LOVE dave! You won't be sorry that's for sure! Tell your brother congrats and give Nate a hug from all of us! Good luck with him being gone-ahhhI hope I never ever ever have to go through that!